Hosting Servers on your own premise Vs a Data Centre

There are a number of considerations to evaluate when choosing to host business server’s onsite or within an offsite data centre environment. While hosting servers within a datacentre is generally considered to be the ideal situation hosting server’s onsite is sometimes the only option.

Hosting servers within an offsite commercial data centre requires adequate internet speeds to enable the transfer of data between locations. Slow data speeds reduce the ability of employees to access data from a business server which can lead to a reduction in workplace efficiency. Therefore regional offices sometimes have no choice but to maintain server’s onsite.

On the other hand, the vast majority of businesses can benefit from the storage of servers within a datacentre as opposed to their business premise. A datacentre is a purpose built facility for housing computer systems. It has redundant power supplies, military grade security, perfect environmental conditions and most importantly lighting fast internet connectivity. In addition a service provide can manage your backups, complete backup verifications and most importantly take the hassle out of the backup process, allowing your organisations staff to utilise their limited time in other areas.

Should a business choose to host servers themselves, they would require adequate space, redundant power, IT technical expertise, and correct environmental conditions. A number of these aspects are beyond the practical reach of a large number businesses.

From a disaster recovery perspective, hosting servers within a datacentre is good business practice. If a disaster occurs such as a natural disaster, employees can continue operations within the datacentre environment. A commercial data centre can provide computers, office space and most other requirements required to continue business operations as normal. In addition the security aspects of a datacentre reduce the risk of data theft.

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Servers and Storage




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