Introducing the “Core Values in Action” App: Celebrating Our Colleagues

We recently launched our “Core Values in Action” app! This innovative tool empowers all employees to recognize and celebrate their colleagues who exemplify our core values: Trust, Support, and Initiative.

Core Values in Action App
                                                                       Core Values in Action App

How it Works

Employees or colleagues can express appreciation by selecting a specific individual they’d like to praise. They then identify the value or behaviour demonstrated by that person and provide a brief description of the situation. Once submitted, this information triggers a notification to all staff, announcing the colleague’s commendable actions.


At alltasksIT, our core values are:


When you witness a colleague going above and beyond, demonstrating trustworthiness, or fostering transparency, use the app to give them a virtual high-five.


Recognize their commitment to building trust within our team.


Whether it’s proposing a creative solution or taking the lead on an initiative, use the app to highlight colleagues who embody our value of initiative.


Their proactive spirit deserves recognition.



Did someone lend a helping hand during a challenging project?


Acknowledge their support by sending a shout-out through the app. Let’s celebrate collaboration and teamwork!

Core Values in Action App Screenhsot

Spread Positivity!

Create a culture of appreciation!
The “Core Values in Action” app allows us to uplift one another, reinforcing our shared commitment to excellence.

Flow Announcement

If you’d like to create a “Core Values in Action” app for your Team, or if you would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at [email protected].

So, next time you witness a colleague living your values, don’t hesitate – give them a virtual pat on the back!.

Want to know more? Have a friendly alltasksIT staff member contact you.