There are three options to choose in relation to the management of your organisation IT systems and Infrastructure: hire IT staff, utilise a managed services provider, or use a combination of both. Utilising a Managed Services Provider enables your business to utilise a team of IT experts with a broad range of technical knowledge. This allows your organisation to focus on core business activates, in addition to reducing the risk of business downtime.
When choosing a managed services provider, it is important to be aware of what to expect. A quality managed services provider will utilise proactive IT maintenance rather than reactive troubleshooting. Proactive Maintenance comes in the form of Remote and onsite system monitoring. Monitoring should include: event logging, disk capacity, desktop health, server health and performance, and backup checking.
In addition a managed services provider should map out your entire IT infrastructure in order to determine the most appropriate solutions for your business moving forward. Your managed services provider should be have the capabilities around a range of IT solutions including cloud, backup, virtualisation, desktop support and server management. A managed services provider should also provide exceptional communication, and be up to date with the latest technologies. It is also recommended that a managed services provider has more than on employee. If a service provider is a one man band there is a risk that support may stop when the sole proprietor is sick or on holidays.
When looking for a managed service provider, it is important to choose the right one which provides you with everything your business needs to stay productive and reach its goals.
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