Introducing SharePoint


Introducing SharePoint.

What is SharePoint? Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is a business productivity server that brings information management and access, collaboration, and people-driven processes into the familiar environment where people do their work every day. Microsoft SharePoint makes it easier for people to work together.

What are the features of SharePoint?

Depending on your business perspective the features of SharePoint are many:

 Contentmanagement Content Management;File sharing, check in, check out, versioning, document ID, document Set, Records  Declaration, Retention $ Disposal Policies
Social Computing;Enables advanced collaboration within the SharePoint environment. Supports Wikis, blogs, Forums, Meetings through community portals  social
search Search;Enterprise search on documents, metadata items search indexing for faster results. Search scopes for external content lookup
Business Intelligence;Manage your organisational goals & performance through the business Intelligence (BI) feature of SharePoint including Excel Services, Visio Services, Dashboards etc  businessintelligence
 identity Identity Management;Authentication enhancements supporting claims-based, server-to-server authentication mechanisms
Fast & Easy;SharePoint provides quicker creation of sites, document libraries & lists saving productivity hours. The platform provides leverage of existing MS Office skills, plus workflows enables automation of repetitive tasks.
 mobile Mobile Computing;SharePoint supports optimized viewing experiences across mobile platforms


Benefits of Using SharePoint

Document Libraries – Share and manage related documents through a library of multiple documents.

Alerts  – Receive alerts as they happen or on a schedule notifying you when changes happen.

Tasks – Create , assign and track the progress of tasks.

Announcements – Share news and information with users or team members.

Calendars – Create and share calendars with team members, create meetings and manage recurring events.

Contacts – share contact information with your team so they can keep in touch.

Surveys – Create a Poll that your team can vote on, with  customizable survey options.

Discussion Forums – Discuss related issues with your team and easily reference resources.

Links – Share useful links and external information with your team.

Custom Lists – Create a custom list with the information and data you need to share.

Document versioning – Major and Minor version number are supported when documents are updated.

Search – SharePoint Services 3.0  uses the new portal search engine technology which allows you to search lists, libraries, content and even within documents.

Blog Pages – SharePoint allows you to set up a fully functional blog site within your site.

Wiki Pages – Set up, maintain and share information amongst team members using a wiki based knowledge management.



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