alltasksIT & Cisco Meraki invest in Regional Education

alltasksIT & Cisco Meraki invest in Regional Education Partnerships in 2019

A successful event presented by alltasksIT & Cisco MERAKI working together with K12 Education Leaders from Ballarat and Western Vic region.

With wonderful company and great facility’s @ City Oval Hotel made the event enjoyable and informative.

Special thanks to Loreto College, Ballarat Clarendon College, Damascus College, StPatricks College, Ballarat Grammar, Bacchus Marsh Grammar, CRC Melton West, Southern Cross Grammar

Please visit our new alltasksIT Ballarat IT office located @  706 Sturt Street, Ballarat Central.


Please ask for Peter, Andrew or Tamara on 03 9312 7444.

For all Ballarat and regional IT Service / Contact enquiries:

For all Cisco Meraki digital solutions / product enquiries:

For all Commerce Ballarat participation enquiries:
[email protected]

For all City Oval Hotel booking enquiries:

Want to know more? Have a friendly alltasksIT staff member contact you.