What is email archiving and how can it benefit my business?

Email is the most utilised communication tool within the vast majority of businesses. It is, therefore, necessary to implement effective email practices. Archiving is an important step in creating a more efficient and organised company. Email archiving is the process of utilising hardware and software that is designed to sort, index, and store the contents of an organisation’s electronic mail. When an employee deletes an email, it is moved into a designated storage area with read only capabilities. This reduces the required server storage space, necessary for email retention. Generally archived emails are stored in read only format and have smaller file sizes than those contained within an inbox.

Many organisations in industries including medical, legal, aviation, and accounting, are required to store information including emails for up to 7 years in order to meet compliance regulations. In these circumstances email archiving may be necessary to both meet retention requirements in addition to reducing the effect of excessive data reducing network speeds.  In addition in the event of litigation, the advanced search capabilities of the majority of email archiving devices can reduce the time taken to restore and rebuild information from a backup.

From an efficiency perspective a cluttered inbox can often lead to missed emails. Email archiving encourages deletion of emails, which leads to a streamlined inbox. In addition, email archiving improves efficiency through improved search functionality.

As can be seen email archiving provides numerous benefits to business. When choosing an email archiving device, it is important to consider functionality, and storage space likely to be required, in addition to the potential for email growth as the business expands.

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Email Archiving



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